Builders of the Adytum - an authentic Mystery School.

BOTA, the hermit showing the pathFounded by Dr. Paul Foster Case in 1922, Builders of the Adytum is a Mystery School and training order based on the Western Mystery tradition. B.O.T.A. members receive weekly lessons in Tarot, Qabalah,Gematria, Astrology, Alchemy, and other related disciplines.

To learn more about membership and the coursework, explore the web site : .

Adytum is derived from a Greek word that means Inner Shrine or Holy of Holies. Like Jesus, who many believe was trained in Qabalah, members of the Order aspire to build the Inner Temple, to construct the Holy of Holies within. People of all faiths are welcome to study the teachings of this Order.

B.O.T.A. recognizes Qabalah as the root of Judaism and Christianity. Its ultimate purpose is to hasten the true Brotherhood of mankind and to make manifest the truth that love is the only real power in the universe.


What is BOTA ?

Builders of the Adytum is a non profit organization dedicated to spiritual attunement through study, practice and worship in the Tradition of the Western Mysteries. Spiritual aspirants participate through the B.O.T.A. lesson instructions. Wherever they may be geographically, they actively participate in mystical-esoteric meditations that unify them into a powerful metaphysical body of enlightened worship.

There is no charge for any instructions or other benefits BOTA offers to its dues paying members. The Order’s material needs are met by membership dues and donations.


BOTA The Open Door

Free Booklet  'The Open Door'

Life is a succession of open doors.
We enter some and others we pass by.
The decisions we make before these open doors
are the arbiters of our destiny thenceforth.

This website is an open door
before which you now stand.

Before you stands an Open Door.
Look within and consider well what you see there,
for this portal leads from outer darkness to Inner Light.



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'The Open Door' Brochure

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